Perdo Vim

Gladius Magica

PeVi Gen
R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Individual
This spell was created by a member of House Diedne. All copies of the spell disappeared along with its House's members. If the level + stress die doubles the targets Parma Magica x5 not only is the Parma Magica taken down, it can not be raised again on the target until the next sun rise or sun set. This spell may have been created as a response to the Schism War or may have been the cause of it.
(Base Effect, R: Voice +2, D: Sun +2, T: Individual)
Contributor: Andrew Mitchell

Lancea Magica

PeVi G
R: Voice, D: Momentary, T: Individual
This spell targets an opponent’s Parma Magica, and attempts to collapse it. If the spell penetrates, make a Lance Roll of a Stress Die + (the Spell’s Level +10). If this exceeds targets Parma Magica x5, then their Parma collapses and is ineffective until it is recast.
(B:G, R: Voice +2, D: Momentary, T: Individual)
Contributor: Mark Faulkner
Notes: As Winds of Mundane Silence, pared down to a single target and type of magic. Inspired by the previous spell by Andrew Mitchell, and by the "Hammer of Shattering the Wizard's Pride", presented at the Berkeley Grand Tribunal's Verditius contest.

Trivia’s unravelling of the wizards craft

PeVi General
R: Voice, D: Momentary, T: Individual
Dispel any magical effect that the spell target if you can double the level of the spell with a stress dice + (this spells level +2 magnitudes). In order to use this spell the magus must be able to sense the spell in some way.
(Base effect, Range: +2 Voice , Duration: Momentary, Target: Individual)
Contributor: Mad Max
Notes: As Winds of Mundane Silence but targets a single spell.

Sap the might of the mythical beast

PeVi Gen
R: Voice, D: Mom., T: Individual
If the spell penetrates it damages the targets magical resistance it destroys magic might equal to the spells level.
(Base Effect, R: Voice +2)
Contributor: Mad Max

Bane of the fae

PeVi Gen
R: Voice, D: Mom., T: Individual
If the spell penetrates it damages the targets magical resistance it destroys faerie might equal to the spells level.
(Base Effect, R: Voice +2)
Contributor: Mad Max

Curse of the Apprentice’s Penetration

PeVi 35
R: Voice, D: Diamter, T: Individual
The target of this spell has his casting totals reduced by 15 for the duration of the spell. Further castings of this spell do not have cumulative effect.
Discordia, no stranger to Wizard’s War, used this spell against a fellow Tytalan. Despite having a fair idea of the strength of her Parma Magica, he was disturbed to discover that his spells did not quite penetrate.
(B: 20, R: Voice +2, D: Diameter +1, T: Individual)
Contributer: Badger101, transcribed by Yair

Bastion of the True

PeVi 55 Faerie, Ritual
R: Touch, D: Until, T: Structure
Any faerie glamour magic that is inside the target structure is dispelled unless it is an effect of greater than 35th level. This protection will endure until the faerie of greatest authority in the area swears obedience to the dictates of the caster’s covenant.
This spell was developed by a powerful Merinita who's covenant was being harrased by an equally powerful faerie lord. The issue between these parties was never resolved and the Merinita moved rather than continue his fight. The Merinita has restricted his use of magic in hopes of delaying final twilight and has not had a twilight experience since the spell was cast. Most of the covenant's curent residents are unaware that the spell is still protecting them.
(Base 15, +1 range, +4 duration, +3 target)
Contributer: Tyrrell

Untimely Death of Hermetic Vim

PeVi 15
R: Touch, D: Momentary, T: Individual
Dispel a hermetic vim spell of level 30 + (stress die). The stress die can't botch.
(B: 10, R: Touch +1, D: Momentary, T: Individual)
Contributor: Toly Fynch

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