Echo of the Hidden Flame.
InIg 3
R:Voice, D: Momentary, T: Individual
The caster locates a fire within the range of his or her voice.
Contributor: Tyrrell.
Notes: From Tyrrell’s big list of level three spells
Tales of the Flame.
InIg 3
R:Voice, D: Momentary, T: Individual
The caster learns any one transient property of the target fire such as what it is burning.
Contributor: Tyrrell.
Notes: From Tyrrell’s big list of level three spells
Compass of the Vigilant Flame
InIg 5
R: Arcane, D: Momentary, T: Individual
This spell informs you of the exact direction and approximate range of any one fire you have an Arcane Connection to (something ignited, burned, or branded by it). The fire must not of died out since the connection was obtained, for if it does, a reignited fire counts as a separate flame (and thus the connection is lost).
(B: 1:, R: Arcane +4, D: Momentary, T: Individual)
Contributor: Mark Faulkner
Determination of Fire’s Life
InIg 10
R: Voice, D: Moon, T: Individual
The caster can determine the approximate lifespan of a fire based on how rapidly materials are being used up (wax consumed or wood burnt).
Petronella of Merinita developed this spell to complement her fire duration faerie spells. Knowing approximately how long a fire can continue to burn without additional fuel meant she was able to order grogs to get plenty of firewood.
(Base: 1, R: Voice +2, D: Moon +3, T: Individual)
Contributer: Badger101, transcribed by Yair
Fear the Flame that Bites and Licks
InIg 10
R: Touch, D: Momentary, T: Structure (+1 size)
Caster can hear the dull roar of fire as it approaches and gets +3 bonus to dodge aimed fire attacks or missles that are on fire.
(Base: 1, R: Personal, D: Sun +2, T: Hearing +3)
Contributor: Andrew Mitchell
Sensing the Reflection of Helios
InIg 10
R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Hearing
The caster senses which parts of the target structure are illuminated.
Ranulf of Flambeau uses this spell to evaluate the number of wakeful inhabitants in buildings that he comes across during the night. Ranulf has a deficency in intellego but his deep understanding of ignem allows him to cast this spell with spontaneous magic.
(Base 1, +2 Sun, +3 Hearing)
Contributor: Tyrrell
Notes: From the message board level 10-15 spells project
Fire Father
InIg 15
R: Arcane, D: Momentary, T: Group
Caster can sense the relative location of the closest ten flames lit by target flame. Torch bearers were sent out with the troops and if his flame went out we knew they had fallen.
(Base: 1, R: Arcane +4, D: Momentary, T: Group +2)
Contributor: Andrew Mitchell
Carrying the Fire's Twin
InIg 35
R: Arcane, D: Sun, T: Individual
When you cast this spell you use a large campfire (or fire of smaller size) to light a torch. While the spell is in effect, any fire you ignite using the torch acts as a portal to the first fire, and by gazing into the flames you can see all the things the first fire now illuminates.
(Base: 10, R: Arcane +4, D: Sun +2, -5 for the restriction on carrying the lit torch and having to use it to light new fires)
Contributor: Dave Neale